Why it makes sense to subscribe to TGKW Premium?

There is free content available globally. The issue is to distil that knowledge into usable content that can be consumed without effort. Theglobalknowledgeworker.com is an effort in that direction ad has been appreciated by its users over the last 3 years and the population of these users is growing. We heard you. In our constant effort to curate high quality content has not been an easy one. Permissions to use content, timely payment of charges to use content and more important, technological changes have revolutionized the curation process. Chat GPT, regenerative transformers, LLMs etc have made traditional models of curation into an unproductive exercise. So what is different about our approach. Recognizing the need for better curation and focused content that can be delivered on a single page (or equivalent), we have come out with a paid version. We believe we have responded to the charge of information overload, time constraints, limited curating skills, absence of a dynamic taxonomy and no- participative nature of journals and other media. The idea is to provide each month, specific, usable material by avoiding “not-so-relevant” content. The paid version also tries to answer to oft cited charge that a typical MBA has to unlearn and relearn before they turn productive at the work place. Thus, the time compression is facilitated by our paid version. We have been able to excellent content libraries, many of them are not easily accessible even if you want to pay. Secondly, we combine our time-tested curation with new technologies, seek opinion from thought leaders exclusively for our use, deploy experts to create or curate content and price it in such a way that the combined effort is much lesser than buying content and technology for a single user. Finally, we have tried to pack in contemporary topics, content on which is not easily available. For example, our calendar for the next 12 months looks like this.


August 2024Notes from our KnowledgewebNotes from our KnowledgewebNotes from our KnowledgewebNotes from our KnowledgewebNotes from our Knowledgeweb
September 2024Best practicesBest practicesBest practicesBest practicesBest practices
October 2024M&AGovernance strategiesCost managementMRDecision support
November 2024Corporate financeStrategic role of HRSupply ChainMarketing TechApplied math & stat
December 2024Turnaround StrategiesChange managementIndustry 4.0Digital MarketingCybersecurity
January 2025Investment outlook for 2025Predictive analyticsMicrofactoriesOmnichannel sales strategiesAdvances in data analytics
February 2025How to raise venture capitalPerformance AppraisalsProductivity Tools Affiliate MarketingAll about data warehousing
March 2025Capital budgetingRecruitment trendsAutomationLogisticsData Visualization
April 2025Innovation & ExcellenceInnovation & ExcellenceInnovation & ExcellenceInnovation & ExcellenceInnovation & Excellence
May 2025AnalyticsHRTechManufacturing Ops TechConsumertechAdvanced tech
June 2025AI ML interfacesAI ML interfacesAI ML interfacesAI ML interfacesAI ML interfaces
July 2025Risk & ComplianceRisk & ComplianceRisk & ComplianceRisk & ComplianceRisk & Compliance

How much does the subscription cost?

The annual subscription costs Rs 7000 plus GST currently at 18%. The total you will pay annually is

Rs 7000 + Rs 1260 = Rs 8260