
Ultimus Content & Products Sales LLP (UCAPS) is a unique Knowledge Management Company engaged in providing creatively curated content – The Global Knowledge Worker(TGKW)- an aggregator of news, reports, surveys, research and the like, sourced from multiple sources on the internet, aimed at the young professionals engaged in teaching, research, management advisory/consulting, bankers, lawyers and practitioners of management science. It is available in an online format and distributed free of cost to its users in English speaking countries in Africa, Asia and Pacific.

The need for the product arises from the unsatiated need for frequent refresh and upgrades of information and knowledge while at work as knowledge workers are locked into daily routine, giving little time to study or do R&D which is essential and to avoid obsolescence and burn outs. It is one of the few products that tries to enlighten its users with the latest developments in a variety of knowledge domains and identifies service providers to apply these skills with appropriate tools, technologies, methodologies, training, and certification amongst others. 



We are pleased to announce the launch of Theglobalknowledgeworker (Premium). Why Premium? The idea of a Premium version has come from many of our users who wish to see more focused content (why would a finance professional want to see HR content?) consistently every month. Another aspect that has been addressed is the need to restrict high quality, high impact content in one single page. And of course, we pay our content providers to ensure our users get otherwise restricted or priced content that is not normally available. In many cases we intend to hire specialists to create the content. Finally, our objective is to pack in value to our users in the form of deals, discounts and other knowledge collateral so that the subscription becomes virtually free. This will take some time but our effort to scour such incentives will hopefully make it worth the user to subscribe to TGKW Premium.

Why do we need Premium ?

Why do we need Premium 

1. Unsatiated need for frequent refresh and upgrade of information and knowledge while at work    

2. While acquiring information on the job is valuable, parsing external curated knowledge and experience could act as a force multiplier   

3. Knowledge workers are locked into day-to-day routine; gives little time to study or do R&D

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4. Not all information available on the web is useful and credible.

5. Need for knowledge to be current to avoid obsolescence and burnouts

6. Require academic and industry experts in various sectors to filter the information out there

For more information on non-journal related services, please visit us at

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Learning and Development

Publishing an intelligent curator of content for management students, their faculty, management consultants, lawyers, bankers, investors, researchers and young professionals. There is a free version and a moderately priced premium version.

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Research Services

Publishing an intelligent curator of content for management students, their faculty, management consultants, lawyers, bankers, investors, researchers and young professionals. There is a free version and a moderately priced premium version.

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Publishing an intelligent curator of content for management students, their faculty, management consultants, lawyers, bankers, investors, researchers and young professionals. There is a free version and a moderately priced premium version.

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Good data enables the user with better decisions. Such data sparse, mostly ‘one-offs’ and of varying quality. UCAPS is working on a process driven – for example supply chain costs or quality process cost as against a function or department driven to provide granular information that enables companies evaluate their performance that can potentially improve productivity.

Our Team Members

Dr Valluri V Subbarao

Managing Partner

Dr Valluri V Subbarao founded UCAPS in 2021 is a management consultant with high quality, high impact consulting assignments in India and abroad. He was instrumental in establishing Big 4 consulting firms in India and helped launch several new unique practices.

Karan Gupta


Karan Gupta is a partner in the Firm as is responsible for growing our product/service lines. After his M Phil from Cambridge University, he managed precision engineering companies in France, Germany and in India.

Ritu Bami


Ritu Bami, formerly CEO of a research company.

Vipin Agarwal


Vipin Agarwal, CEO/CFO of some of the best-known companies in India

S Venkatesh


S Venkatesh, an ex Mckiney Partner in the UK practice, currently heads a European multinational