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Quantum Computing

Quantum Computing for Dummies

Quantum computers may one day rapidly find solutions to problems no regular computer might ever hope to solve, but there are vanishingly few quantum programmers when compared with the number of conventional programmers in the world. Now a new beginner’s guide aims to walk would-be quantum programmers through the implementation of quantum algorithms over the cloud on IBM’s publicly available quantum computers.

Whereas classical computers switch transistors either on or off to symbolize data as ones or zeroes, quantum computers use quantum bits, or “qubits,” which because of the peculiar nature of quantum physics can exist in a state called superposition where they are both 1 and 0 at the same time. This essentially lets each qubit perform two calculations at once. The more qubits are quantum-mechanically linked, or entangled (see our explainer), within a quantum computer, the greater its computational power can grow, in an exponential fashion

What is quantum computing

Many researchers believe that quantum computers will complement rather than replace our conventional technologies.

Why do we want quantum computers?

Scientists and engineers anticipate that certain problems that are effectively impossible for conventional, classical computers to solve will be easy for quantum computers. Quantum computers are also expected to challenge current cryptography methods and to introduce new possibilities for completely private communication.

Quantum computers will help us learn about, model, and manipulate other quantum systems. That ability will improve our understanding of physics and will influence designs for things that are engineered at scales where quantum mechanics plays a role, such as computer chips, communication devices, energy technologies, scientific instruments, sensors, clocks, and materials.

Just as people could envision few of today’s uses of classical computers and related technologies back in the 1950s, we may be surprised by the applications that emerge for quantum computers.

Quantum Computing & how it can benefit businesses

Given the present state of reality, quantum computing in business can help you take a quantum leap over your competitors. You may find it hard to believe, as it is known to be still in its infancy. But this technology is gaining traction pretty fast. By 2030, as per one study, the total number of quantum computers worldwide could reach between 2000 to 5000.

Now, you must be thinking about what it has to do with businesses? Well, quantum computing will matter a lot for your business going forward as early adopters of it will be able to get ahead of those not adapting it and thus leading in the competition.

Are you one of those companies that have the mindset to stay prepared and be ready to adapt to the next big tech thing taking place? Then, it is time you pay close attention to it. So, today in this article, we will discuss what quantum computing is and how it can help businesses solve their complex problems

Future of Quantum Computing in 2022: In-Depth GuideWritten by CemDilmegani

Quantum computing can be a game-changer in fields such as, cryptography, chemistry, material science, agriculture, and pharmaceuticals once the technology is more mature.

Quantum computing has a dynamic nature, acting as a useful solution for complex mathematical models, such as:

Encryption methods have been designed to take centuries to solve even for supercomputers. However, these problems could possibly be solved within minutes with quantum computing.

Even though the modeling of a molecule does not seem to happen in the near future with classical computing, quantum computing can make it possible by solving equations that impede advances in extracting an exact model of molecules. This development has the potential to transform biology, chemistry and material science.

In this article, we explain what quantum computing is, where it can be used, and what challenges might impede its implications.

Trends 2022: Quantum ComputingStephen DeAngelis

Quantum computing may sound like science fiction (especially the weird principles on which it relies); nevertheless, businesses are beginning to pay attention. According to the Venture Beat staff, “Sixty-nine percent of global enterprises have already adopted or plan to adopt quantum computing in the near term, according to a new survey of enterprise leaders commissioned by Zapata Computing. The findings suggest that quantum computing is quickly moving from the fringes and becoming a priority for enterprise digital transformation, as 74% of enterprise leaders surveyed agreed that those who fail to adopt quantum computing will fall behind.”[1] The staff goes on to report, “Adoption thus far is highest in the transportation sector, where 63% of respondents reported being in the early stages of quantum adoption. This may be a reaction to the ongoing supply chain crisis, which quantum could help relieve through its potential to solve complex optimization problems common in shipping and logistics.”

Quantum computing and cybersecurity

Cybersecurity experts have reason to believe that next-generation quantum computers will have the processing power needed to break classic encryption, the process used to encode and protect the confidential information of a company.

The repercussions, if this turns out to be accurate, would be severe for modern technology users as should encryption algorithms be bypassed, it would allow hackers the ability to access information from all apps and websites that use modern encryption tools, meaning every single app rendering all these apps as unreliable.

Quantum Computing and Cybersecurity: How Should You Prepare?Bruce Sussman

Quantum computing will change cryptography as we know it. And some parts of our cybersecurity eco-system will either evolve or break apart. How can we limit the damage and move securely into the future?

Planning should begin right now, at our organizations and governments, for a quantum-resistant world.

Quantum Computing and Cybersecurity: What Will Change?

A simple way of considering the challenge ahead of us is to view each type of encryption that protects our digital lives as a massive math problem. We rely on the idea that this math problem is too big for today’s computers to “solve,” or in the case of encryption, too big to break. With today’s computing power, it could take years — in some cases thousands of years — of computers cranking away at the problem before threat actors would be able to solve it and break the encryption that protects data on a broad scale.

Quantum computing approaches this type of challenge in a new and more powerful way. It will do the math 158,000,000 times faster than conventional computers, and can solve a computation in four minutes that would take today’s computers 10-thousand years to solve.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) warns that this is going to be a widespread challenge that companies and governments must face

Quantum computing: a new industrial revolution by James Norrington

Quantum computing is a massive leap forward for medicine, logistics, and finance but poses serious questions for cybersecurity and cryptocurrencies.

Quantum Computing – the need for proper governance.

Quantum computing can process data and information in a manner far superior to that of a classical computer.

Proactive governance is key to maximising the technology’s benefits, mitigate potential risks and ease the transition into a post-quantum era.

A behavioural approach to governance should be considered, alongside technical and procedural ones.

It is hard to underestimate the power of quantum computers. Compared to a classical computer, a quantum computer is like a plane is to a car. They operate fundamentally differently and no matter how fast a car is, it cannot fly over a river. Quantum computers use different physical principles, or quantum mechanics, to communicate and process information in such a way that no classical computer can ever do using classical physics.

A classical computer can only hold one bit of information at a time (0 or 1), whereas qubits in quantum computers can be in a superposition state and have aspects of both 0 and 1 simultaneously. However, the result of an operation will also be in a superposition state and manipulating superposition states to extract the desired answer is the field of quantum algorithms. The focus of this article is on how to govern this technology to ensure a secure future.

2022 Quantum Computing Tech Predictions

Quantum computing gained a lot of attention and headlines in 2021 with companies, like ours, making big bets on this paradigm-shifting technology. While quantum computing may not be a household term just yet, we are going to see big advancements in 2022 on technology development and breadth of involvement. As I’m out talking to customers and partners, I see quantum computing continuing to grow mindshare every day.

Here are my top six quantum computing predictions for 2022:

Quantum computing annual review.

This non-technical video includes developments at IBM, Intel and Microsoft that may help to scale up the technology for future commercial application.

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